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How can I afford Weight Loss Surgery?

If you are looking at weight loss surgery, with or without private health insurance, there are 3 pieces of advice which we recommend.

  1. Talk to your GP about enhanced primary care plans (EPC), also known as care plans. These are referrals from your GP to providers so that you can get Medicare support to make accessing the services of dietitians, psychologists and exercise physiologists more affordable.

  2. Consider talking to a financial expert for some advice when you are considering how you will fund the out of pocket expenses. Some of the topics to discuss how the early release of superannuation to fund surgery could support you OR considering the cost of joining a private health fund and working towards surgery during the stand down period.

  3. Think about the total cost of surgery, not just the surgical and hospital fees incurred at the time of the operation. Attending follow up appointments with your dietitian, surgeon, GP and psychologist are costs to consider to ensure you have support and care throughout your weight loss and maintenance periods.

The team at Toowoomba Weight Loss Surgery can support you with documentation and questions you may have about accessing this information to help make surgery more affordable for you.

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